A Boys Best Friend is… This Incredible Fashion Film
Shot by up and coming designers during the covid-19 pandemic this duo of fashion films (a runway and a mini-doc) captures a collection inspired by the female stereotypes portrayed in horror films, as well as a vividly raw portrayal of life at a prestigious fashion uni, as two girls finding a way to make ends meet.
“We asked questions about femininity within slasher films focusing on three stereotypical roles; the victims, the sex objects, and the mothers. We studied the universally accepted links between sex and death, women and violence, lust and fear, porn and horror, then we asked why. This project revolved around the idea of identity, and the fact that who we are can be embedded into what we wear. The garments made are carefully distorted to create characters that are very real even when the garments not on a body. we used tiny buttons to force the wearer to use a fiddling frantic movement, tailoring techniques of shirts to force the wearer to bent their back like an old woman, or adding to form a new body shape. We were midway through this project when lockdown was enforced, so decided to make a full staged runway of the collection - to a room where only china dolls were our audience. We also documented the whole behind the scenes make process - even the tears - to give compete transparency to our audience, and really prove how much pressure is put on young creatives, and the tiny, stressful situations we are all forced to work in. Especially during an already unprecedented time”
Note the clever details and references to the common costumes and props female victims and villains interact with in the horror genre: wedding dresses, suits, shower curtains and aprons.