The Grey is a fashion-adjacent platform consisting of a physical magazine, online blog, online chat server and community event series. 

Fashion is a world linked to frivolity, vanity and an exceptionally cut throat, elitist work ethic. Fashion media is a world linked to clickbait, celebrity worship and luxury advertiser ass-kissing. 

The Grey is a hub ushering in a new era of fashion. No gatekeeping, no gaslighting no girlbossing - instead The Grey offers accessible educational resources and insightful journalism, alongside supportive and welcoming spaces in which to explore your relationship with fashion, guided and activity-oriented networking that allows for real connections to be made, carefully curated affordable and ethically produced products and skill development focused events.  

Topics explored by The Grey explore the important ways that fashion works as a pivotal part of our society, as a means of protest, of identity exploration, and as a universal language shared amongst all of human kind.

For fashion lovers, not fashion followers.

Issue 1 of our print magazine Explores the complex and nuanced intersection between fashion and gender.  what we are expected to wear, why we wear it, and what it says about who we are. 

The fashion industry loves to play with gender, and to profit from it. But mainstream fashion media is rarely willing to really dive into the implications that it can promote, the harm it can do, or the solutions it could be working towards.

Gender impacts us all, whether we think about it or not. And the clothes we choose to wear today, shape our understanding of gender identities tomorrow.

Shop below.

The Grey, Issue 1: Fashion and Gender

Reworked Shirt Tote Bag

The Grey Sticker

Our events Programme spans lectures, WOrkshops, parties and networking.  
Offering supportive, inclusive and affordable opportunities to upskill, connect and DISCOVER. 

The fashion industry leans into its elitist image, operating in a world of exploitation and exclusion. We believe that regardless of background we all deserve to understand the clothes we wear, to feel empowered in the choices we make, and to contribute to discussions around clothing.

Unifying our community through celebrating our differences and sharing space is our first step to creating a new and improved fashion system, where money-hungry voices at the top aren’t the only ones being platformed.

Join our next events below.

La Monocle: FLINTA Bar Pop Up in Peckham

FLINTA Stitch & Bitch: Crafting Meet Up

The Grey’s Spring Social, with Alterist & COAG

Our Online  platform keeps the knowledge flowing between issues and events.

Our online space is full of the content that is missing from the fashion media landscape. Thoughtful content that leaves you with new knowledge, not an ache of FOMO or feeling excluded.

For the fashion creators we have inspiring editorials, insightful industry interviews and snapshots from the latest shows and parties. For the fashion thinkers we have historical articles, breakdowns of cultural trends and essays. For fashion newbies we have definitions of key fashion terminology and career guidance.

No matter your skill level, experience or title you’re entitled to be part of fashion, and this space is for you.

Start learning below.

When Does Statement Become Stunt? Exploring where we cross the fine line in runway shows.

A Lesson in Branding, From The Suffragettes

Meet the Designer Behind TRɅSH by O