What are Women Up to This IWD?

*Note: this article was written in 2024

Happy International Women's Day!

Sorry to break it to you but this isn't about to be a positive and inspiring article. Women around the world need our help, shall we review what they're up to across the globe today?


Women in Palestine are fighting for their lives and those of their loved ones. As of March 6th 17,000 children were separated from their parents, with at least 16 having dies of malnutrition. Mothers are saying goodbye to their children every day. There have also been reports of abuse to Palestinian detainees held by Israel.


This month Ghana passed new legislation that intensifies the restrictions of the human rights of its LGBTQIA+ community (that includes women) with people facing a sentence of up to 5 years in prison for the 'wilful promotion, sponsorship or support of LGBTQ+ activities.'


For almost 11 months there has been conflict in Sudan, between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces with familiar sights of blocking humanitarian aid and destruction of medical services. As of March 6th when I wrote this article 80% of hospitals were out of service and over half the population were in dire need of food.

Democratic Republic of The Congo

There are at least 6.7 million displaced people in the DRC now, and with escalating violence Heather Kerr, (DRC Country Director, sharing with the International Rescue Committee) has called it the most dangerous place in the world for women and girls, with risks of gender based violence and a lack of protection exacerbated by a lack of food that forces women out to search for their next meal, with some reports that women have been sexually expolited in return for food.


Use of the death penalty has surged throughout 2023 and onwards in Iran, raised by 43% bringing it to an 8 year high. A recent report by Iran Human Rights and Together Against The Death Penalty suggests this is an attempt to regain control after nationwide protests last year. At least 22 women were executed last year, the most for a decade.


Following the murder of Sarah Everard and recent sentencing a rapist and officer who assaulted at least 12 women, UK police have been under review, in a 12 month period from May 2022 - May 2023, and in this period of the 1,124 police accused of sexual assault only 269 were suspended. 43 UK based police forces did not even respond to the request for information.

This is by no means a definitive list, our trans sisters are under attack around the world, women still face daily harassment, unequal treatment at work and the whole host of other gender-based discriminations that we are all too familiar with.

Take today recognise your strengths, feel empowered and reflect on what you need to for yourself today. (And everyday - as Rupaul says, if you don't love yourself how, how can you love anyone else!) But tomorrow we need to get back on our horses and keep up the fight for the women who don't have the privilege of reading about these issues online.


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