Working With Your Twin
Do we know what eachother are thinking? Yeah, we've heard that one before...
As identical twin sisters who live and work together, we get a lot of the same questions, so we decided to ask eachother some new ones.
It's pretty fascinating that we both happen to love fashion, and happen to have opposite personal sytles but similar professional tastes, so we wanted to delve a bit deeper.
Has being a twin impacted your work aesthetic at all?
I think it must have. I think we both care a lot about small details and differentiations like buttons or seams, maybe we have gotten used to relying on every small detail to set us apart from eachother. I guess also just growing up in the same house with the same parents we both saw a lot of the same references and had a lot of the same experiences, so things that feel frustrating or nostalgic or familliar to us are likely the same.
I don’t think so, my work doesn’t normally come from anything to do with me or my experiences. I prefer drawing on other characters from films, books, etc. to get ideas, more like I'm making costumes than a reflection of myself.
What are the things you like & dislike most about being a twin?
Like - having someone that knows you so well, like in a way you can't explain to anyone who doesn't know. She'll know what I'm refering to even if I can't think of what i'm trying to say.
Dislike: Theres pressure sometimes, you have this peer that you're on an even starting line with and if they succeed, or get praise or get complemented whilst you get rejected or fail at something there can be a moment of comparison in your head where you put yourself down as the 'worse' twin.
I like having someone who enjoys what I do, and shares so many beliefs with me, who is, I think, closer than most best friends.
I don’t dislike much... maybe I dislike the most that we are really similar, so when we do disagree we don’t even like shout like most siblings but we know exactly how to annoy eachother.
What’s it like having a twin to work with?
It's sick. Lots of trust, lots of understanding, a shared vision and knowing we will both always give our 100% and help eachother out. We could probaby be more professional at times though.
I like having a twin to work with, we can agree on most and understand eachother well, but maybe because it’s family we’re too careful of eachother feelings sometimes.
How has being a twin impacted your ideas about fashion & identity? Do you see it as something that defines who you are?
I do think it's interesting we both love fashion history and cultural studies. Maybe because fashion and dress was a tool for us, not just fun, we learnt to love learning about its meaning, its symbolism, its origins and all of that so we could understand this language and put it to use, instead of falling into trend-led traps that make everyone look the same. We've had enough of that!
I definitely don’t see it as something that defines who I am, but I’m sure somehow, subconsciously, it shaped my ideas. It is a big thing but I just don’t see it like that in the day to day.